Funny Frisch bringt wie jedes Jahr eine neue Chips Sorte auf den Markt, aber nicht nur irgendeine: Deine!
Dafür kreierten wir: Der Insider-Chip des Jahres 2019, eine 360° Chipsperience, auf der Suche nach dem besten Geschmack Deutschlands.
Funny Frisch launches a new type of chips every year, but not just any: yours! So we created: The Insider-Chip of the Year 2019, a 360 ° experience, looking for the best taste in Germany.
// Anne & Michal //
Client: Funny Frisch
ECD: Jan Köhler
Agency : Die Botschaft
It's that easy:
Take a photo of your favourite food or food location, design a chip package, give it a name, done! From all submissions, 6 favourites will be selected to fight for the final. The 3 final flavours will be sent in limited test boxes to the people for tasting & voting. The taste with the most votes is chosen as the Insider Chip of the Year and comes as a new funny-frisch variety to the stores.